Sunday, August 12, 2012

Get a Clean, Attractive and Durable Kitchen Floor

While choosing tile flooring for your kitchen you should choose one which is durable and easy to clean and maintain. Some of the different types of tiles that are available for kitchen flooring are ceramic and porcelain tiles, cork tiles and wooden tiles.

Ceramic and porcelain tiles:

Ceramic and porcelain tiles are durable and will prove to be a great investment for your kitchen. While installing porcelain and ceramic Kitchen tile flooring you should make sure that that the floor is stable and sturdy. Before installing ceramic and porcelain kitchen tiles, the old flooring will have to be disposed of and you have to find a way to do that because most garbage services will not pick up these items. You will have to take the old flooring to the garbage dump. You also need to keep in mind that most dumps will charge a fee. Once the basic floor is clear of dust and debris, you can either install the tiles yourself or hire a professional installer.

Cork tiles:

Cork tile flooring is also not a bad choice for your kitchen. This is because it is aesthetically very appealing, durable and easy to maintain. Apart from this cork is a renewable and sustainable resource and hence environment friendly. Cork as a material is made up of a large number of small air filled cells or chambers. These air filled chambers give the properties of shock absorbing and insulating. In fact walking on cork flooring gives the feeling of walking on a lush carpet. Other flooring materials are hard and cold. On the other hand cork flooring is as comfortable as a wall to wall carpet. It is also interesting to know how cork tiles are manufactured. They are made from the bark of the cork oak tree. This tree can be found mainly in Morocco, Algeria, Spain and Portugal. This bark is mainly used to make corks for bottles of wine. The leftover scraps are processed in order to manufacture cork tiles. The trees are not killed in this process as the bark grows back again.

Wooden tiles:

In kitchen tile flooring, wooden flooring is quite popular. However maintaining kitchen tiles made of wood requires some amount of effort and expense, as wood ages fast and has to be polished to give a fresh look. At the same time wooden tile flooring is durable and long lasting. It is also aesthetically appealing and provides good insulation.


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